Automatic Plug Popper

Plug popping is especially useful when manually planting plants out of plug trays. It pushes the plants up out of the cells from beneath meaning that if the plants are not being pulled away from their roots when extracting them by hand. The Automatic Plug Popper is a fast and efficient way of doing this. The machine automatically moves the plug tray into position, pushes the plugs up in the tray and then sends the tray out the other end.
Technical Information:
Production adjustable from 400 to 1000 trays/hour.
Advancement with cross bars and electronic positioning of the tray.
Self-centering Popper Plate and rapid replacement from one side of the machine.
Removable exit table.
Wheels diam. 250 mm.
Electric panel with PLC, inverter and turning control board
Weight 390 kg.
Pushing power 500 Kg.
Installed power 1,5KW 400V 3PH 50/60Hz.