4016 Potting Machine

The 4016 potting machine is large enough for heavy filling. It can process pots up to 42cm and drills plant holes up to 23 cm. With the machine, bare roots can easily be potted. The pot ring is mounted low to enable ergonomic potting. Thanks to the central adjustment of the potting ring it is not difficult to switch to a different pot size. The pot dispenser with its powerful pushing movement easily processes heavy pots (also recuperation pots). The substrate’s structure is kept thanks to the automatically controlled soil supply. The soil hopper with its 3 or 5 m³ capacity is easily loaded by means of a Bale Opening machine or a large front loader or forklift truck.
Technical Information
Automatic potting machine for pots from 7cm to 42cm
Automatic soil recovery system
Easy adjustment between pot sizes
Variable speed
Capacity up to 2400pots per hour
System for bare root potting
Pneumatic pot denester
Mounted on wheels
Drilling unit for holes up to 27cm
Hopper capacity 3m³
16 pot holders on potting ring
Outfeed conveyor can be mounted on any angle
Weight 1800kg
Power three phase or single phase

4016 Potting Machine - Dimensions